Kuroit | KVM NVMe VPS | Los Angeles, USA | £1 Per 1GB RAM

Hello LET!

This time we’re back with KVM based NVMe VPS Sale in USA, again with very simple pricing: £1 ($1.20) Per 1GB RAM

Base VPS Spec:

  • KVM VPS (VirtFusion)
  • 1 vCore @ 3Ghz
  • 2GB RAM DDR3
  • 15GB NVMe
  • 1Gbps Connection (Shared)
  • 1TB Bandwidth
    Price: £2 GBP/mo – $2.40 USD/mo (2 months off on 1 or more year billing)

Order Now!

You add can upto 32GB RAM extra on any VPS order.

Extra vCores & Space will be added to your order based on the RAM order.
Extra vCores: 1 vCore per 3GB RAM
Extra Space: 10GB space per 1GB RAM

Example: If you order 10GB Extra RAM, we will add extra 3 vCores and 100GB space on your VPS.

Location: Los Angeles, USA
Datacenter: Equinix LA3
Looking Glass: US Looking Glass

Payment Method: Debit/Credit Card, Paypal, AliPay, WeChat, Bitcoin & other crypto currencies.

Post your Order ID or Service ID here for additional benefits:

  • Port speed upgrade
  • Extra NVMe Space
  • Extra RAM
  • Unmetered Bandwidth (for larger VPS only)

【AD】DMIT,美国CMIN2 VPS,8折优惠,折后$23.10/季(1核2G/20G SSD /[email protected]流量),三网回程CMIN2

【AD】美国洛杉矶CN2 VPS/香港CN2 VPS/日本CN2 VPS推荐,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工vps