VIRTONO – KVM 1G NVMe at 2.5 EUR/mo, Lifetime discounts, NEW LOCATIONS: | Japan | Canada | Poland

Hello LET,

Guess what? Canada, Japan & Poland are live!

You can order Cloud VPS and Cloud Hosting services in these locations.
Skyrocket your business with little to no effort:

  • Gain Complete Control
  • Lightning Speed
  • Security Protocol
  • Solid State Drives
  • Instant Activation
  • High-Performance

KVM 1G for only €2.5/month

· 30GB SSD
· 1 vCPU
· 2TB Traffic
· 1x IPv4 Address
· 1x /64 IPv6 Subnet


And, if you feel adventurous, better be ready!
You can try out our new locations with a special lifetime-discount offer.
Limited discount, only 100 spots are available for each location.

Use code: LIFETIME25 at checkout and get a 25% lifetime, starting with KVM 2G:

  • 50GB SSD
  • 1 vCPU
  • 2GB RAM
  • 3TB Traffic
  • 1x IPv4 Address
  • 1x /64 IPv6 Subnet


【AD】DMIT,美国CMIN2 VPS,8折优惠,折后$23.10/季(1核2G/20G SSD /[email protected]流量),三网回程CMIN2

【AD】美国洛杉矶CN2 VPS/香港CN2 VPS/日本CN2 VPS推荐,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工vps